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Founder at Pomodollar.com
CodignNinjas is a business that has grown twice in the past 12 months. Our team has also grown twice but we still employ less than 15 people and aim to remain tiny for as long as possible.
The approach to hiring and operating a small team even when you grow into a multi-million dollar money-making machine is not as delusional as it may seem.
One of everyone’s favorite businesses to point at when talking the big small is Basecamp. AKA the company behind Ruby on Rails, New York Times bestseller Remote (and three other awesome books), and, of course, their flagman product that’s made task management easier for millions of people worldwide — Basecamp.
They’ve been around for twenty years, they’ve brought so much value to tech and creative industries and even secured their company evaluation at $100 billion dollars (not really). All this while employing how many people? As of early 2019–54.
The idea behind keeping your team as small as it gets is bound to break the intuitive stereotype that makes us think that the more people we hire the better the business is going. Because, in reality, what matters is how much value your team makes, and how much revenue per person you get.
But even if remaining small isn’t your intentional business goal, you’re still going through the stage of hiring your first 10 employees whether you want it or not.
Hiring for small teams is very different from hiring for big companies. The main difference is that every hire you make is unique, and, as a new business, you don’t have to worry about following a specific well-designed process, but rather focus on hiring the best talent you can possibly get at this point, while maintaining a great company image and reputation.
You might have heard a lot about recruiting routine at corporations like Google or The Big Four, where they spend months before making a job offer for a junior position to their perfect candidate with Ivy League education.
These scalable processes that go exactly by the script to ensure the best possible outcome every time hold the big corps together.
But hiring for small businesses is not the same. And unless your business model is outstaffing for the same or similar roles, and you need to constantly hire people with the same skillsets, every recruit for a small team is going to be not like the others. And here’s what we’ve learned on how to handle hiring for a small business in the past two years at CodingNinjas.
Rule number 1 of a small business is to remain founders-only for as long as possible.
Not to mention the opportunity to cut down the operational costs (the fragile spot of every new business), doing everything on your own will teach you to prioritize and optimize. When you can only do so little, you will have to choose the most important things to work on.
The first weeks, sometimes months, of your business is when you have to learn how it’s done by hand, think of the way how to do things better and faster, and then pass the framework on to someone else.
And only when you can’t take care of all the work that’s coming at ya, then it’s time to make your first hire.
Judging by our own experience, the first position you fill is likely not to have a name at all.
Instead, you should be looking for the person who could take not a position, but a part in your company. And it’s best if they understand from the very beginning, that with time, their role may, and, most probably, will change.
In the end, there are only two cases in which you should hire:
After all, our main advice for hiring first employees is to hire for repeatable operations only. If you need to do something that you don’t know how to scale at the moment, do it yourself first or outsource to a freelancer.
The worst part of hiring awesome talent for a new business is that no one knows you, and no one cares. You don’t yet have a name, reputation or yummy corporate bonuses that make people want to work for you.
That’s why your best shot will be to find the first employees in your network.
Your priorities should be looking among people you know and those who they refer.
If you’re hiring for a position you know nothing about, e.g. you’re a tech founder hiring for marketing, or vice versa, ask the most experienced in that field person from your network to help you with screening the candidates.
And, unless they are your best friend ever, think of a way to pay them back for the hustle. It doesn’t have to be money, think of the best value you can give them. A shoutout on your super-popular social media account, or helping them with their personal website CRO can be a much better way to thank someone.
As we’ve already mentioned, you can’t consider following a big corp recruiting routine to be the best fit for smaller companies. First of all, you are not going to hire the same people.
Also, you have to realize that in most cases with big-name companies, there is always a final boss who decides to hire or not to hire. The decision makers are usually the busiest people, and complicated hiring processes reflect exactly that. In other words, their frameworks exist to eliminate everyone who isn’t the best fit from the first glance and narrow down the pool of candidates.
But with a small business, you don’t have to make your own life harder. You are the one behind the final call anyway, so if you know you want to work with the person, there is really no need to make them go the extra mile neither of you needs.
In the very beginning, with our first couple hires, we didn’t have any framework at all.
As time went by, we realized it wasn’t the best tactic of all, but we still think it was really a great place to start because the process we’ve developed and continued to follow is based entirely on dos and don’ts we’ve faced in real life, not some imaginary restrictions.
And while we have built a framework we try to follow, there are also the rules we stick to when in every case, even if we feel like breaking the usual pattern:
As for the framework itself, here’s the roadmap we’ve developed:
If you were looking for the most contradictory advice ever, you’re in the right place.
Because when it comes to hiring your first employees, there are only two things we want to say:
First people you hire will shape the overall look of your company. That’s why you need to hire the best talent you can reach. They have to be smart, skilled, professional, hardworking, and you have to like them. It’s best if they are great at several things and eager to learn and do new things.
Once you grow into a stage when your company structure can’t be flat any longer, your first 10 hires will become your personal ambassadors. In other words, the best quote that comes to mind: A’s hire A’s, and B’s hire C’s.
On the other hand, you have to realize that to hire good employees for a small business, you will have to look in places other than Google campus or third wave coffee shops for rockstar programmers and growth hackers. You will need to look past all of the glam to find the gem. Your best shots are people who are underappreciated or don’t network that much.
We haven’t seen and haven’t come up with anything better than the hiring checklist shared by David Cancel from Drift. The only other questions we ask candidates are the ones that have something to do with our business or position specifically.
But the other important thing about interviews are the things you say.
Be honest about them. We all know that you’d have to sell your soul to pay employees in a small business the same money they’d get working in a big corp. So, don’t promise them that!
Don’t promise anything you know is not going to happen.
When I came in for my first interview with CodingNinjas, the first thing Alex and Vasyl, our co-founders, told me was that CodignNinjas is a startup. And with startups things can happen, that there could be a situation when something bad happens and we’re all out of jobs the next day. Did it throw me off? It made we want to work with them so bad, I didn’t want any other job!
I knew from that moment I’d be working with people who are responsible and real about their business. Everyone who works at CodingNinjas knows the risks, and that’s what keeps us moving.
Ours are:
The person only cares about money. You can’t retain employees in a small business by competing with anyone who pays more. It’s important to appreciate the work they do in dollar equivalent, but there has to be more to what they care about. For some, it’s the experience they can only get with you, for others, it’s the chance to grow you’re giving them, and for introverts, a promise to let them work quietly in a dark room with a tiny fridge can make the best offer they ever had.
Bloated ego. They can be the best professional in the field, but if they think too much of themselves, we can’t bring them home. If you absolutely have to work with someone like that, maybe think about a temporary position.
Work meh, party hard. Don’t get us wrong, we love a good party! But there’s also work in work-life balance.
Their previous job “was the worst”. We’ve all had bad experiences. But if they blame everyone else and are very negative about their boss, coworkers, and clients, they will bring the same attitude to your business as well. It’s just a matter of time now.
The onboarding process is your chance to cause self-inflicted pain on your business.
If you screw this up, the great talent you hired can turn into a pumpkin with irrelevant information and unrealistic ideas about what they really should be doing right now. And even worse, they will pass the wrong information on to people they hire, and next thing you know, your company is a complete mess.
That’s why we start onboarding even before we hire someone.
Here are the save points you can use for onboarding:
Being small has its ups and downs. The biggest challenge is to compete against the big sharks for the talent. There aren’t as many benefits for small business employees, so don’t expect people to ecstatic by default when you contact them about your position.
But don’t worry there is something you can do about it! You know how you market yourself to your prospect customers? Yeah, do the same for your prospect employees. Being visible and open about your company culture, inner kitchen and in-house expertise will make it much easier for you to hire your 10th employee.
We’ve invested a little time into writing a couple of articles that would make a statement about the expertise of the team members who we supposed would be the first to grow their teams. This also helped us increase awareness about CodingNinjas on the market where we source developers for our network. Turning a two weeks work into a double-kill.
When not sure — hire a freelancer!
We know how it sounds from the people who run a freelance platform, but we promise it has nothing to do with the advice itself.
I’ll tell you more. If we’re not talking about an executive or managing position, before we hire anyone, we delegate our tasks to freelancers first. This approach allows us to check whether we really need an in-house person or not for that position.
Here are just a few ways such experiment can go:
Hiring a freelancer like any other business decision has its pros and cons. It’s definitely a bad idea to hire a freelancer when what you really need is a manager unless you hire them full-time for a project. But it’s difficult to find a better solution for a small company with unstable workloads.
This guide on hiring for small businesses was originally posted on CodingNinjas blog.